Author of The Month

We hope to feature the works of famous authors on a monthly basis and hope our vistors will be able to use this as a resource for finding out facts about an author, as well as a detailed list of their works with links to be able to buy these.

feature currently on hold due to other commitments. We hope to reinstate this soon

September 2007

Terry Pratchett

Currently Britains most successful Male Fiction writer, only overshadowed by an upstart with only 7 novels under her belt about a young wizard. The Discworld series is a huge success and here you will find all the books in date order of publication, plus other works by Pratchett.

Posted 6 Septemeber 2007

August 2007

Erle Stanley Gardner

Author of The Perry Mason Mysteries, Perry Mason may well have been Gardner's most famous creation, yet a number of other characters were created which are not as well known. Why not check out the Lester Leith stories or the Lam & Cool books as well?

Posted 18 August 2007